I talked about the easiest way to develop a compelling brand message with marketing guru, Mitch Slater. Read on for the 5 easy steps, and listen to the full 10 minute podcast. Step 1: Be Authentic The secret to successfully proclaiming your brand is to be 100% authentic. Every professional I know wants to be
Women and men just don’t talk the same! That goes for investors and for financial advisors. I coach financial professionals around the country across all different channels. I notice that my male clients tend to be: Direct and Linear Want a Fix Like Repeatable Solutions A Quick Fix is Ideal On the other hand my female
Clients often want to polish their skills in: marketing, prospecting, public speaking, client relationships. Trying to be perfectly polished in all these areas is overwhelming. There are so many experts and zillions of techniques. It’s confusing! Let’s make it easy! The common theme is the ability to build connection. If we focus on building connection, we’ll
My clients are wonderful at recommending outstanding books. Here’s a list of favorites to inspire and help you. All are highly readable and perfect for the beach, lake, mountain or backyard you’ll enjoy this weekend. Grab one for Labor Day reading (listed in no particular order): Daring Greatly by Dr. Brené Brown. Dr. Brown became famous for
Mid-summer is an excellent time to ramp-up marketing. This new list delivers tech tools to market & grow, without breaking the bank. If you missed my May tech list, definitely look at Top Tech Tools to Save You Time & Money Now Add Video (no acting required) Everyone wants to liven up their websites with
One of the privileges of working nationally with multiple organizations is the opportunity to connect with experts across subjects, including technology tools. I collect technology tips where ever I can. As spring turns to summer, it’s a good time review your processes and add new tools. Here’s a list of top technology tools that make your life easier! Give them a
I’ve been speaking to hundreds of advisors on branding and it’s a focus for those I coach. Across the nation, there’s a pattern. Many of us struggle to articulate our unique brand in a concise and compelling statement (me too). My branding guru says a brand should be summarized in only 7 words. Sounds impossible! Ultimately, it comes
There’s three fatal flaws in asking for referrals. So don’t feel bad if it hasn’t worked for you. It’s important to ask, but not for referrals. Here’s why asking for referrals fails and what to do instead: 3 Fatal Flaws 1) The Bait & Switch – Traditional requests for referrals come at the end of
I’ve been going around the country talking to advisors about the awesome power of women advocates who do viral marketing for you. Recently an advisor shared this story. It’s Awesome! Story of the Day Advisor Howard attended one of my presentations on The $14 Trillion Opportunity – Reaching & Engaging Women Investors during a national