The $14 Trillion Woman

Your Essential Guide to Engaging the Female Client

Women control 50% of the nation’s wealth, an estimated $14 trillion. Today, 95% of women are actively involved in leading financial decisions and 84% of women want help. Yet, only 7% of women have a written financial plan. There is a huge opportunity to meet the needs of women investors. Find out how:

  • Learn what’s not working and what “turns-off” women investors
  • Learn what women want and how to build loyal clients and advocates
  • Learn easy ways to successfully reach new women prospects
  • Women will control 2/3rds of the nation’s wealth within 5 years. This is the quintessential roadmap to capturing this untapped market of $14 trillion in assets.”
    Kimberly Medaglia | One Smooth Stone
  • There is so much money in motion now and most advisors are working the same overcrowded, overfished pond. Women are a large open pool of clients. This is a great fishing tool. Go for it!
    Michelle Alberda | Author: SkirtWorking: How to Network Using SKIRT
  • For you to be part of a women’s financial life, you need to understand the unfortunate barriers they face in the workforce, realize how they must learn to communicate with male colleagues and balance their personal lives with their careers. This book opens the door to understand how best to work with the largest work force in America.
    Rich DeSalvo | Author: The Power of Pain
  • We all have to up our game in educating and working cooperatively with clients. This is not just an issue for women. The skills that are needed for women clients are now needed for all clients. The old equations don’t fit now. The numbers game is obsolete. The old style marketing and sales tactics never worked for women and now they don’t work for men either.
    Beth Resenwald Senior Vice President and Branch | Director RBC Wealth Management

The Top Performer’s Guide to Change

Essential Skills That Put You On Top

Top performer’s master the skills to succeed in today’s rapidly changing business marketplace. The Top Performer’s Guide to Change is your essential handbook. Concise and practical with personal application and exercises, you can read it in one sitting or return to it repeatedly as a workbook for success.

Learn principles and tools that deliver including:

  • What to expect
  • How to choose success
  • Make your own luck
  • Leverage strengths
  • Set your course
  • Power of advocates
  • Leading change

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