I get asked frequently how to deal with upset people. The turbulence in the market over the last 2 years makes clients hyper-vigilant and edgy – challenge #1. Challenge #2 is that men and women tend to deal with emotions differently. Every man I know automatically does the wrong thing when trying to calm an
Fact of the Day: The Affluent Insights Quarterly just released the latest research on wealthy Americans (investible assets of $250,000 and more). Here are the key points and five opportunities they reveal: Fact: 44% of those surveyed work with an advisor – of those 81% are satisfied Opportunity #1: Great news! The wealthy are pleased
Encouragement is a wonderful thing. Spontaneous and unsolicited encouragement is beyond wonderful. It’s fantastic! Here’s my story of such a gift. Charles G.Read (http://www.linkedin.com/pub/dir/Charles+G./Read) read an article I’d written on reaching women clients published recently in a financial journal and promptly bought The $14 Trillion Woman. Upon reading the book, he sent out an
This week I was on the east coast with colleagues teaching Coaching Skills to leaders of a major wire-house, an initiative that has been going on for several months. This has been a challenge for the group. Like many in the industry they’re overwhelmed with daily urgency’s. They need business results and they need
Eureka! I finally found it! What am I talking about? Ideal client service. Advisors work hard to achieve ideal client service model. I’ve talked with with many financial advisors about this and I’m always impressed by their high commitment to clients. Frequently, I coach them around increasing client satisfaction. Usually during this discussion I ask the
This week I was talking to a female financial advisor who has been in the business for many years. We’ve been talking about how she gets referrals. I asked her to “notice” what she does that helps her get referrals. Suddenly, she remembered a series of events that were a great source of referrals before