One big concern in talking about engaging women, both clients and professionals, is the one-sided nature of the viewpoint. Yada, Yada, Yada….men need to change for women… blah, blah, blah. It gets really boring. Even worse, people may assume that men are the “bad guys”. In Honor of Great Men Let me assure you, I greatly appreciate the
Spring is college graduation time and a launch into financial independence. Unfortunately, while parents may be eager to be free of financial burdens, graduates may not be equally eager to assume them. Launching a graduate into independent adulthood can be a difficult transition filled with conflicting expectations and mutual disappointments. Now is the opportune time for parents to avoid 3 parent
Aren’t you so tired of the mouth-foaming vitriol all over the Internet? I am! When I share my 3-D’s of digital etiquette, compared to our 3-I’s cesspool, people laugh and say, “That’s so right!”. One of my favorite publishers encouraged me to write it. Here we go…..(Now, I might be the target of mouth-foaming vitriol) The 3
Tough Talks (by yours truly) is today’s cover story in the Journal of Financial Planning. Keep reading for the top take-aways. Why is It So Hard? I’m frequently asked: “How do I talk to this upset client?”, “How do I diplomatically correct this team member?”, “How do I share my concerns with my partner without offending?” We struggle to
Big News: BKC Named National Growth Coach I’m excited to be the exclusive national professional development coach for the FPA (members only). But, I’m offering 21 tips & tools for everyone right here, keep reading! Even better contact me and we’ll make your 2019 a great year of growth! 21 Tips & Tools for Everyone Look
Time for your holiday gifts from yours truly. Since I was recently asked to write about development & growth for an upcoming Tips for Succeeding in 2019 publication, this year’s gift has two parts: planning tools for 2019 and top professional development tips. Happy Planning and Happy Success in 2019! Gift of 3 Planning Tools for 2019 Gift 1:
Recently, I delivered a national webinar Speak Success: 7 Talking Tips to Achieve the Goal. Keep reading for the Top 3 Talking Tips. Then take your free tools on all 7 tips. Get 3 Top Talking Tips for Success & Free Tools Barbara Kay Tweet #1 Top Tip to Avoid Confusion & Mistakes Communication confusion wastes
As a business psychology coach, I work with professionals, leaders and organizations on mental and behavioral strategies for top performance. One of my favorites mental strategies is a tool for freeing your mind and killing brain ANTS. Free your Mind & Kill your Brain ANTS | Barbara Kay Tweet How ANTS Infect Your Brain
What She’s NOT Saying is Important Read this story to learn what’s really going on in the minds of women and 5 steps to discover what she’s not saying and the path to success. My husband and I talked with several financial advisor firms about some potential new business. All the financial professionals did a great job! They were respectful,