Happy clients during good times can turn panicky, or even angry in bad times. Read on for how to adapt to client mood in two minutes. For a deeper dive, download the full article. Jekyll & Hyde? Most professionals have faced a client acting out of character. Though uncomfortable, this is entirely to be expected.
The very best of 2022 was seeing so many people in-person. I’m very grateful for live conferences this year. It was wonderful! Until we meet in 2023, here’s some virtual gifts from the best of 2022. Best of 2022 with Hartford Funds Thank you to my friends at Hartford Funds for inviting me to write practical articles for
The motivational research concludes that money is not a sustainable motivator, with one exception: people expect to be paid the market value of the job. If someone is significantly underpaid, more money corrects that problem. After that, money alone doesn’t provide long term motivation or job satisfaction. In fact, recent research reveals that money as
There’s no Google Maps for leading in volatile times. Instead of trying to predict the unpredictable, hang onto the guide ROPE of leading in volatility. Focus the team on being: Realistic, Optimistic, Productive, and Efficient. Read on for a summary and download the full article from the October, JFP. Realistic Research shows clear-eyed realism is essential
The markets are gyrating triggering the worst human biases. Read on for three bias-savvy techniques to keep clients on the right track. Pivot from Panic to Patient Psychological studies show felt urgencies twist our perceptions. Relevant facts are ignored in favor of daily impressions. Sadly, local and national gossip is driving your client’s viewpoint. This
Succession planning involves handing over power, position, control, and leadership. It can feel like a big loss. That’s the problem. Very few people embrace loss. This is a major reason people struggle with succession planning. Read on for a quick take on four strategies to leave well, or download the full Journal of Financial Planning article.
How do leaders work with teams two years into a pandemic? Download the full article at: Leading Beyond the Pandemic and read on for the summary. Teams Suffer from Stress Mono On the stress severity scale, the pandemic meets and exceeds the definition of trauma. It’s been uncontrollable, unpredictable, inescapable, isolating, and unrelenting. This level of threat
Things are shifting, positively (finally!). Read on to build your ideal future, with the DIY 3-D Vision technique. Contact me to walk through your specific situation, together. Why the 3-D Vision Technique? Human beings naturally underestimate the impact of present decisions on their future happiness. This is caused by two cognitive biases: Natural instinct to get pleasure & avoid