Women and men just don’t talk the same!
That goes for investors and for financial advisors. I coach financial professionals around the country across all different channels. I notice that my male clients tend to be:
Direct and Linear
Want a Fix
Like Repeatable Solutions
A Quick Fix is Ideal
On the other hand my female clients tend to:
Value Listening
Want to Collaborate
Like Personalized Solutions
Talking & Customizing is Great
My coaching approach changes based on gender. The same is true advisors who want to work well with women.
When Talking to Women Expect:
More Talking
Lots of Details
Get ready for a LOT of information if you invite a woman to talk. If you actively engage women and listen well (and do good work too) you will earn her loyalty and respect.
If they value you, they will PROMOTE you actively and voluntarily.
Don’t feel bad if…..
You find that it’s not natural for you to do all that listening. Research on language processing shows that even at very young ages boys and girls process language very differently. Boys have a harder time processing a lot of words.
Because men and women just don’t talk the same, but it is well worth listening to earn the loyalty and trust of women clients.
Want to talk about it? Contact me