I talked about the easiest way to develop a compelling brand message with marketing guru, Mitch Slater. Read on for the 5 easy steps, and listen to the full 10 minute podcast.
Step 1: Be Authentic
The secret to successfully proclaiming your brand is to be 100% authentic. Every professional I know wants to be successful, but also gets up every day for more than just the paycheck. You have a deeper reason for serving clients.
Step 2: Uncover Your Compelling Message
The key is to uncover why you get up every day to serve your clients. What is meaningful you? What compels you to help people? Once you uncover your driving purpose, that is your marketing message.
Step 3: Discover Your Anchor Words
Tell the story of the “why” you do your job. Then focus on the key themes. There will be a few descriptive words that represent the story. I call these “anchor” words. These anchor words are the fundamental essence of what you deliver to clients.
Step 4: Use Your Anchor Words in a Tag Line
Then create a tag line using your anchor words. It’ll be easy to repeat and proclaim because it’s 100% true.
Step 5: Repeat the Anchor Themes
Finally, repeat the theme of your anchor words across all your marketing. Use synonyms that mimic the anchor themes, so you don’t sound robotic.
Think of the first i-Pod campaign “A thousand songs in your pocket”. The marketing was built around the freedom to listen to whatever song you wanted, whenever you wanted. It was all about freedom, choice, and portability.
Apple did not overcomplicate the message with a lot of technical talk about the revolutionary technology. All of that was true, but they kept to the fundamental purpose of the i-Pod: “A thousand songs in your pocket” and all their marketing emphasized freedom, choice and portability.
To hear more with current examples from advisors, listen to the listen to the full 10 minute podcast.
You Can Do This!
You can do these 5 steps on your own!
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