I love practical helps. Since, I get to talk to people all over the country, I hear lots and love to share. Here’s a selection of great apps that work on multiple style phones and also i-Pads & tablets.
Tip of the Day – Great Apps
- Bump – Share contacts with others just by touching phones together (of course, the other person needs Bump too) Don’t ask me how they do it but contact data “jumps” into the other phone automatically. Wow! contact data into your phone and others automatically and correctly! Here’s the website: Bump
- Pulse – Pulse allows you to create a 1 stop portal for all your favorite websites. It shrinks and feeds each website page into a visual selection grid. You touch a website image to open and then literally flip the pages on any content you want in the website. When you’re done, close and scan the grid for your next choice. No more going from website to website one after another for news, research and other sites you visit regularly. It’s elegantly simple and really slick! Thanks to Tige Hoefer, of Delaware Investments for showing me this beauty and for having so many App & Productivity tips. If you don’t know Tige, get to know him! He knows so much more than I can share in this space. Here’s the website: Pulse
- FlipBoard – Similar to Pulse but for social-media and magazines. It feeds Twitter, Facebook, Google Reader, LinkedIn, etc.. In addition, magazine publishers are joining FlipBoard and posting digital magazines on it too. (Thanks again to Tige, for this one). Here’s the website: FlipBoard
- Evernote – Lots of people know Evernote. If you don’t, it’s a multi-functional app that captures, stores and organizes lots of things including: words, images, sounds and more. Here’s the website: Evernote
- DataViz – DataViz is a company that delivers 3 great business apps. If you don’t know them, check out DataViz for these useful apps:
Passwords Plus – stores, organizes & secures passwords
Documents to Go – Word, Excel & PowerPoint
RoadSync – MS Outlook
Resource of the Day
I joined Twitter for the sole purpose of sending links to useful articles, tools & tips. I’d like to know what you’d appreciate getting.
The resource of the day is your feedback. Tell me what kind of links to information or resources you’d like. If you don’t have any idea, below is a list of areas I follow on your behalf. Tell me what you prefer. Of course, send me other suggestions if you have them.
Journals & Topic Areas:
- FS industry – US & international newsletters & journals (I suspect you get plenty of this already)
- Leading B-School & consulting newsletters & journals
- Tech news – Reviews & tips on the gadgets we all use
- Women – Investors & professionals
- Time management – Anything to help you with time-management
- Productivity/Efficiency – Anything to help you be more productive
- Marketing – Anything to help your marketing
- Behavioral Finance – All things people & money
Please send your suggestions to: BarbaraKayCoaching